Here Comes The Sun....

Hey everyone! :)


Can any of you remember when i did that photo a day challenge?
i absolutely loved doing that and i have found a website that do 'photo a day challenges' for every month!! 
i am going to really try and commit to it and keep it up, i just feel like it is such a cool idea and it gets me writing more and i am certain i have written that i want to take more pictures, this is my perfect excuse! 
i will be starting this on Friday the 1st of February.. obviously ;)

Here is the photo of what to expect this coming month! 

For now... i bid you farewell as it is my bedtime. 
I shall be back tomorrow with an update from me and i might suprise you with a postcard from lily for our final january day on Thursday :) 

Goodnight & sweet dreams.. 

xxxxxxxxxx sophie

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