in a world of pure imagination

it's been a long time since i last updated this blog and i think it's been an even longer time since i updated people on how i am and things that have happened and changes and just basically where i'm at right now.

let's delve right in to the 20th of may 2013, i'm admitted to pearce ward with my usual crappy chest taking its toll on me! this time there was so much sputum.. it felt suffocating! i had my mum stay over one night it was making me that anxious. i was getting no sleep and was constantly coughing up pot after pot of sputum.. it felt never ending, i was exhausted and i genuinely struggled to catch my breath. my chest eventually started to get better but this scared me into thinking i needed to get my little peach on the transplant list pronto! i had majority of the tests needed for transplant assessment done and was looking at going home when something went terribly wrong!

it's not particularly something i'd like to go into detail with but it was a scary & shockingly painful time. scary for everyone who knew, the worry must have been dreadful for everyone. I'd just like to thank my papa who spent close to 24/7 with me for the horrific 10 days. Don't know how i'd have coped without my daddy. Not to mention; meraid the physio, roland my doctor and every single nurse who brought every pain medication under the sun to soothe me and everybody else for the patience and dedication & support. i have the best CF team going!

Nearly 2 months down the line of this admission and i'm thankfully through the worst of it all & heading very close to my twenteenth birthday!
I was so very spoilt yet again by absolutely everybody! My CF team made sure that it was the loveliest of birthdays even if i did spend it in costa del Wythenshawe!
Unfortunately for him, my very lovely boyfriend shares *cough* STOLE *cough* my birthday and so we both spent the 9th of July 2013 turning 20 in room 21, pearce ward :D
He is very lovely though so guess it is a pleasure to have to.. share.. my birthday with him!

Didn't spend the whole day in hospital, my papa had a very special surprise in store for me in the evening! We went to see ghost the musical which was incredible and of course i had a little cry :')

Been a little emotional turtle this past month :)
Think i've just had lots fluttering round my head and its tired me out a little.

Once scary situations were dealt with and birthday celebrations were over.. it was time to get the ball rolling well & truly with transplant. I had tons of bloods taken as my final part of assessment and then met with both a surgeon and my co-ordinator Katie who is amazing.
It was all discussed in details again and a few questions were asked and then i was left with a few things to read & sign and told that they'd discuss me in an upcoming meeting on the 19th of July and decide whether I'd be a suitable candidate to go onto the active transplant list.

I was discharged after spending two months in room 21!
Two whole months just zapped away, gone and wasted in hospital. I sussed out i have spent the majority of this year in hospital and we're over half way of 2013 already :(

19th of July came quickly and i had to call katie up to see what they'd decided.
"I'm pleased to tell you that if its what you want, the team is willing to place you onto the transplant list"
I heard her say whilst sitting in my grandma & grandmas house staring at my godson Alfie whilst he ate his sausage roll. That important day and all i remember about that exact time is Alfie eating a sausage roll and forgetting to put sun cream on my left knee & foot....

i decided i was going to keep the information to immediate family as i wasn't going to actually be listed until i had visited the transplant unit, had another meeting and signed everything over. So after informing people i wanted to inform, i head in my car to Emily's house for a day trip to Blackpool... forgetting the sun cream on my left knee & foot!
I burnt my left knee & left foot that day :')

The following Wednesday, 24th of July; i had the meeting, visited the unit & signed the papers. I proudly informed everyone that i Sophie Jayne Wheeler was officially placed on the active transplant list... as of tomorrow (25th of July 2013)

So there's a little whirlwind of a quick update! I will blog a few more times at some point too as have a few more idea's but it's very late & my peepers are shutting down on me! :(
I'll be one eyed peeping soon trying to type goodnight :p haha!!

I want to leave you on a little high note.. i fulfilled my BFOB (best friend of bride) duties on the 27th of July 2013 at Emily & Paddy Grogans wedding.
It was beautiful & lovely and i felt so privileged to even be asked to play a special role in their magical day.
Here are a couple of pictures to end on.

my gorgeous godson, Alfie <3

best girl & best man, my cousin matty

BFOB - Best friend of bride

BFOB & Mrs Grogan <3

My gorgeous Mr Shaun!

Goodnight & sleep tight...

Sophie xoxo
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