DAY 13

So... did you watch it?
The itv 'from the heart' campaign showed two programmes tonight.

I personally think it has got a ton of people talking about organ donation which is exactly what is needed.

Lets get rid of the taboo of death! It's a natural, unavoidable occurrence. There is no way around it, it is just a part of life as living & breathing is! Unfortunately, it's a very emotional, grief stricken part too but truth of the matter is.. it happens!

it's happening a hell of a lot more than it should unessescarily all because organ donation is in a serious lack of publicity & understanding!

Think about it & Talk about it! That's all.

Come on England, pull ya finger out and lets get an opt out system in place!!

Life life then give life!

Day 13:- Sweet!

Today i baked for the first time in a while and i made my favourite childhood cakies.. Tom & jerry cakes!! YUM!

Best get my beauty sleep, i am expecting a ton of mail tomorrow ;)

Night night bedbugs!
Sophie xoxo

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