Day 24

Had the worst night sleep ever last night and so i am afraid today's will have to be short and sweet because my eyes need to close.

I knew my chest wasn't great when i left but it's rubbish already.

Got hardly any sleep, was just coughing crap up all night long. So i slept half of the day away today, then had a big walk round a shopping place, then cooked my tea, then played dominoes with my dad and won and now i am snuggled in the pitch black watching miss congeniality on channel 5.

I am just so tired, i didn't get the chance to put my all into today's blog and so i am sorry there's nothing of interest really but i know you all understand :)

Day 24:- Dream

I didn't know whether this was supposed to be a dream meaning an actual dream i have at night or a dream as in, something i aspire to have or be one day etc.

After some thought i decided a picture of something i dream/aspire would be easy and less complicated, strange and graphic as my dreams.
My dreams are pretty damn bob right now, they're just very annoying.

So if you know me by now, you'll know how much i love sweeties. My dream is to have my very own sweet shop. It would be amazing and sell the most delicious sweets. I don't want to put my ideas up just incase some sneaky willy wonka fella robs them; because let me tell you.. they're brilliant ideas.

Let me just say my sweet shop would be the best because i can guarantee nobody would love there job more than i would. I think when you love what you do and do what you love, you must be the best around :)

Night night bedbugs.. fingers crossed for a cough free night with some of those sweet dreams!

Sophie xoxo
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