March.. DAY 3

Heart rate was so much better today.
Doctor Roland still wants me to see a cardiologist though. Looking like i am in it for the long haul this time, chest is still pretty rubbish and i am at the end of two weeks. Now the sputum is stuck and the amanophylinne drug that helps me shift it all isn't allowed to be given to me till we sort something out with my heart.

I hate the thought of it all just building up down in my lungs though. Gonna talk to my physio tomorrow, she makes me feel better about this stuff.

Had tons of visitors today, a very wheeler orientated day with my mum & emily thrown in for good measures! :)

My cousins lyndsey & christian came to see me and had me giggling away at the silly things he does when a little worse for ware! He is on his 8th week off the cigarettes. He just uses those electric ones now which provide the nicotine to ween yourself off but it's without all the nasty chemicals, tar, smell, health risks and horrid smoke! They're a brilliant idea and must make quitting just that little bit easier!
Now he's very much against smoking! He's joined my cigarette haters club! haha. I am so proud of him :)

Next up was my uncle neil, ella & jojo! They came with sweeties and very interesting conversation that had the biggest random range you've ever heard. One minute, heart rate and diabetes, the next minute death row and torture!
All i can say is.. don't cross Joseph wheeler with his potatoe peeler!

My dad came with chelsey and brought me McDonald's for tea and then i gave him a ukulele lesson. He's doing good with it :)

Well today's picture is supposed to be "kitchen" but this room is like a bedsit so thought i would give you a view of my mini kitchen area!

DAY 3:- Kitchen - Hospital room!

The fridge is filled with chocolate and drinks and the cupboards stocked with sweeties and crisps! :)

What more could you want?!
Also have a kettle for my hot ribena's!
Night night bedbugs..

Sophie xoxo

side note: wrote this last night and didn't publish it! so stupid... here is day 3 on day 4! Day 4 up tonight -xo
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